Shannon Wright was born at the height of the 20th Century Civil Rights movement. Many of these experiences went into shaping who Shannon has become today, because of the way her family taught her the lessons they learned. Shannon saw her own family’s progression from living in the projects, to a co-op, to home ownership – this path in her life has given her a unique perspective into the good and the bad of welfare, the distribution of wealth, and equality versus equity. She knows where people are, where some have moved from, and how it impacts communities and interactions between the diverse communities within the city. Her life has given her many of the experiences that Baltimore residents live daily.
Pastor Shannon Wright is a non-profit executive and former first Vice President of the Yonkers NAACP who has committed her life to improving public education and creating avenues to enhance the life of today’s youth in general. She has always been actively involved in community improvement. Shannon Wright is no stranger to the community as a pastor, radio personality and ultimately a Youth Guidance Commissioner of her hometown. She also served as the NJ NAACP youth and college advisor along with being a member of the state board of directors.
She believes in adherence to the Constitution and leadership that listens to the people. Shannon uses her voice in the media to encourage individual responsibility, uphold the value of human life, and diligently works to break of the cycle of poverty by encouraging choice in education and jobs training options. She is a Frederick Douglass Republican with a strong belief in the Frederick Douglass core principles.
Shannon is married to the love of her life, Michael and they have 4 grown children. The Wrights' moved to Baltimore City to be close to family after losing their home and church as a result of Hurricane Sandy. The Wrights' set down roots and began again just to have their new ventures all, but destroyed after the unrest of 2015. The loss hasn't discouraged Shannon, but emboldened her to help rebuild this City in a new direction - to bring it to American leadership standards and have it thriving once again.

Accomplishments and memberships:
Former member of NAACP State Board of Directors
Former Northeast Regional Vice-President for Jack and Jill of America
Member of the National Association of Female Executives
Member of Star Parker's Urban C.U.R.E clergy network
Member of the Lion-chasers clergy network
TV ONE recurring panelist on Roland Martin Show
CO-Host The nationally syndicated radio show Wright Way w/ Shannon & Mike in the AM
Published author of "White Folks Guide to Understanding the Black Community"
CEO of IHN Community Development Corporation