"In Baltimore, however, a Democratic city council president Brandon Scott and Baltimore GOP official Shannon Wright are competing to bring the city out of scandal after the resignation of former mayor Catherine Pugh." Read More
November 2, 2020
"Baltimore will select a new mayor, after Mayor Bernard "Jack" Young lost the Democratic nomination to Council President Brandon Scott in the primary. He will take on Pastor Shannon Wright and entrepreneur Bob Wallace in the race to lead Charm City." Read More
November 2, 2020
"Wright plans to focus on jobs, safe streets, and better schools. “It is absolutely critical that the vote that they cast has to be for someone they can believe will be able to get the job done," Watch Video & Read More
November 2, 2020
"Republican candidate Pastor Shannon Wright went on a listening tour Saturday in east Baltimore. She is branding herself as a new leader who has learned from the failures of those currently and previously in charge." Watch Video & Read More
October 31, 2020
"I think folks have been looking at the direction that the city has been going for the last several administrations, and where we are going, and I think I have a pretty good shot," Wright said.
"We need a new direction and I represent the new direction for the city." Watch Video & Read More
October 31, 2020
"One of the biggest races for Baltimore voters is who will win the election to be the next mayor and the three-way race has put a spotlight on some of the biggest issues facing the city." Watch Video & Read More
October 30, 2020
"Republican Candidate for Mayor, Pastor Shannon Wright, joins us to talk about voter turnout, and why she's the best candidate to lead Baltimore." Watch Video
October 29, 2020
"A Republican hasn't been mayor of Baltimore since former Maryland Gov. Theodore McKeldin held the post during two stints — once in the 1940s and again in the 1960s.
Pastor Shannon Wright isn't daunted by the dearth of GOP mayors. She thinks it's about time a Republican took control of City Hall." Read More
October 26, 2020
"With just eight days until Election Day, in Baltimore, the big race is for who will run the city next.
The top three candidates on the ballot are Democrat Brandon Scott, Republican Shannon Wright and Independent Bob Wallace." Watch Videos & Read More
October 26, 2020
"“I’m here, not because of desire for the spotlight or anything like that, I’m here to make this city better,” Wright said." Watch Video & Read More
October 26, 2020
"Republican candidate for Mayor Shannon Wright said the hope is gone, bringing officers back is where she'll begin.
"When you ask the officers they will tell you things started to change when we got away from community policing, we need to get back to that not sometime in the future, but now," said Wright." Read More
October 25, 2020
"Republican candidate for Mayor Shannon Wright told FOX45 News she believes local farming and tax incentives for larger supermarket chains could help eliminate the city's food deserts.
"We have to recognize the type of issues that grow from those food deserts," Wright said." Read More
October 24, 2020
"Republican candidate for Baltimore's next mayor, Shannon Wright, details her plans for vying for your vote in the homestretch of the election." Read More
October 22, 2020
"Just days before early voting begins, Baltimore’s four mayoral candidates joined a virtual debate to make their cases for why they are the best choice to lead a city that was suffering already from deep inequities long before the coronavirus pandemic hit." Read More
October 22, 2020
"Thursday marked one of the last opportunities for voters to hear from Baltimore’s mayoral candidates.
Community leaders submitted questions as part of a virtual forum that was hosted by the NAACP Baltimore branch." Watch Video & Read More
October 22, 2020
"Republican candidate Shannon Wright sent Fox45 this statement:
“We must increase the efforts of the Dirt Bike Task Force. We must enforce the laws on the books. We must change the “anything goes” lawlessness mentality that has taken over our city." Read More
October 19, 2020
"The statistics, the numbers and the facts alone would be enough for folks to wake up, smell the coffee and turn in a new direction," Wright said." Watch Video & Read More
October 16, 2020
"The last Republican mayor of Baltimore left office the year that this year's Republican candidate, Shannon Wright, was born. Wright, 53, is the pastor who believes she is the answer to Baltimore's prayers. She is asking city voters to rewrite political history on Election Day." Watch Video
October 14, 2020
"The list of speakers currently confirmed to speak at the press conference include Kimberly Fletcher, President and Founder, Moms for America, Congressman Steve King, Debbie Kraulidis, Vice President, Moms for America, Juleen Jackson, Vice President, Moms for America, Pastor Shannon Wright..." Read Article
October 14, 2020
"Wright, a local pastor, asserted the city can only curtail crime if there is a respected prosecutor charging and convicting criminals to the fullest extent of the law." Read Article & Watch Debate
October 13, 2020
"Baltimore mayoral candidates are expected to square off virtually ahead of early voting during a forum hosted by the city’s NAACP branch and the Afro newspaper." Read Article
October 13, 2020
"Republican Shannon Wright and Independent businessman Bob Wallace have agreed to take part in Tuesday’s FOX45 Mayoral Debate." Read Article & Watch Video
October 13, 2020
"Pastor Shannon Wright, a Republican, said the status quo needs to change.
“There’s a criminal mentality here in this city right now of, ‘I can do what I want to do. I can do it the way I want to do it and I’m not going to pay a price for it’,” she told Fox 45." Read Article
October 12, 2020
"In that statement, she calls out City Council President and Democratic Mayoral Candidate Brandon Scott saying he "lacks the intestinal fortitude to address it." Read Article
October 10, 2020
"We can’t afford to lose any more of our tax base, any more for businesses and any more of our jobs," says republican mayoral candidate pastor Shannon Wright. Read Article & Watch Video
October 6, 2020
Republican Mayoral Candidate Pastor Shannon Wright and her campaign organized and led a prayer vigil outside of Walter Reed Medical Center to wish President Donald Trump well amid his COVID-19 recovery. Read Article & Watch Video
October 4, 2020
Baltimore Mayoral candidate Shannon Wright releases a new campaign ad listing the changes the city will see if elected. Watch Video
October 1, 2020
Wright is the underdog and she does not pull punches in her social media ad, saying: "Baltimore could be that shining city on the hill if we just had the right priorities. Neither Brandon Scott nor Bob Wallace... Watch Video
September 29, 2020
Republican candidate for Baltimore mayor, Pastor Shannon Wright, discusses the latest findings from the IG report, and her thoughts on the accusation of campaign donations buying favor in city hall. Watch Video
September 24, 2020
Before the debate began, each candidate was given a chance to introduce themselves and give an opening statement. But when Republican candidate Pastor Shannon Wright tried to speak, she was interrupted. The "Zoombomber" went on to call Wright a racial slur. Read More & Watch Video
September 21, 2020
Republican mayoral candidate Pastor Shannon Wright outlined her plans to lead Baltimore City on Saturday. "This election cycle is a fight for the soul of the city. We have a lot of issues and things we need to face." Wright discussed education, crime, law enforcement, homelessness and announced the opening of her headquarters. Read More & Watch Video
September 19, 2020
On Saturday September 19, 2020, at noon, Republican Nominee for Mayor Pastor Shannon Wright will outline with specificity and particularity her plans to lead Baltimore City. She will detail her plans for:
Economic Development
September 18, 2020
Republican candidate Shannon Wright says a pay increase is part of her platform.
“We absolutely do need to do a payroll increase,” she says. “Our plan was to cut some of the salaries of the highest paid workers at City Hall and city council and be able to put that money into DPW. Read More & Watch Video>
September 18, 2020
Republican Mayoral Candidate Pastor Shannon Wright just released a 9-point crime plan. It includes calling on the federal government to help stem crime and drugs; asking Maryland legislators to require stricter sentencing for repeat offenders; and... Read More & Watch Video>
September 17, 2020
In a statement, Republican candidate for mayor, Shannon Wright, told 11 News: "I will ensure that government at all levels launch an aggressive strategy to eliminate... Read More & Watch Video>
September 15, 2020
Republican Shannon Wright talked the wrongs of those in office. “You don’t just get to a place where there are so many homicides and shootings in a week overnight, we need to clean house on an internal level... Read More>
September 13, 2020
We asked Republican candidate for Baltimore Mayor, Pastor Shannon Wright about her reaction... Read More & Watch Video>
September 10, 2020
In her statement today, Wright said that: "Brandon has been involved in Baltimore City politics since graduating from college and is responsible 100% for the crime, corruption, trash, and failing schools. Read More>
September 8, 2020
Baltimore Mayoral Candidate, Shannon Wright, shares her plan for helping businesses to thrive in the city. Watch Video>
September 3, 2020
She said past administrations have failed to address crime because they have "allowed hope to leave" and pledged to address the root of the problem, including education and job opportunities. Listen to the Interview>
September 1, 2020
"Fox 45 took mounting trash troubles to all of the mayoral candidates, only Wright responded about what she would do. “If the folks at DPW can’t get the job done then" Read More>
August 31, 2020
"As a legislator, it was on his watch that Baltimore residents have suffered a trash problem that has put their health in further jeopardy,” Wright said" Read More>
August 31, 2020
"Fox 45 took mounting trash troubles to all of the mayoral candidates, only Wright responded about what she would do." Read More>
August 30, 2020
"Republican candidate for Baltimore mayor, Pastor Shannon Wright, discusses the recent national attention the city has gotten along with her newly released campaign ad." Watch Video>
August 27, 2020
Baltimore Mayoral Candidate Shannon Wright shares what she thinks needs to be done to clear up the crime in the city. Watch Video>
August 20, 2020
Republican mayoral candidate Pastor Shannon Wright joins us to weigh in. Watch Video>
August 13, 2020
Now mayoral candidates Brandon Scott, Shannon Wright and Bob Wallace are boasting of plans to tackle this problem. Read More Watch Video>
August 10, 2020
"Right now this city needs a leader that has enough life experience to be able to hit the ground running." Read More Watch Video>
August 9, 2020
Mayoral candidates react to city administrator debate
"Leadership means being able to take the reigns and understand that you sometimes have to do more with less. It doesn't mean..." Read More>
August 7, 2020
Vote 2020: Pastor Shannon Wright
Baltimore mayoral candidate Pastor Shannon Wright responds to recent claims made about her in a Baltimore Brew report. Watch Video>
August 6, 2020
Two political outsiders debate the issues; Democratic nominee Brandon Scott sits out
"Shannon Wright pointed out her commitment to fighting crime head-on," Read More Watch Video>
July 28, 2020
Baltimore pro-police crowd attends #WalkAway rally at city's war memorial
Saturday’s speakers included Shannon Wright, a Republican who is running for mayor of Baltimore, a Democrat-led city of more than 600,000 residents that routinely ranks high in crime and poverty statistics. “I am the type of leader who recognizes family is the cornerstone of every community,” Wright said... Read More>
July 26, 2020
Tackling trash on Baltimore City streets
Pastor Shannon Wright, released the following statement to FOX45: I have been involved in the clean-up of trash in Baltimore City participating in several city-wide efforts. The problem is like...
July 25, 2020
‘Walk Away’ rally in Baltimore protests Black Lives Matter tactics
Shannon Wright, the GOP nominee for Baltimore Mayor, started her prayer by saying according to her bible, "All Lives Matter." Read More>
July 25, 2020
Vote 2020: Republican mayoral candidate Shannon Wright
Republican Baltimore mayoral candidate Pastor Shannon Wright gives her take on President Trump's comments about placing federal law enforcement authorities on the ground in Baltimore. Watch Segment>
July 23, 2020
Vote 2020: Republican mayoral candidate Shannon Wright
Republican nominee for Baltimore Mayor Shannon Wright joins Fox45 Morning News to talk about her priorities for the city. Watch Segment>
July 16, 2020
Here’s where Shannon Wright, the GOP nominee for mayor of Baltimore, stands on tech and entrepreneurship
Wright won the Republican primary in June, and is now running in the general election. Here are her responses to Technical.ly's campaign questionnaire. Read More>
July 15, 2020
Proposed charter amendment would cut mayor's appointees from Baltimore Board of Estimates
Republican candidate for mayor Pastor Shannon Wright issued a statement saying in part, "This is the same ole dirty trick. Read More>
July 13, 2020
Scott, City Council president and Democratic nominee for mayor, postpones vote on charter amendment to restructure Baltimore’s spending panel
Shannon Wright, the Republican nominee for mayor, said the council has had enough time to evaluate proposed changes to the spending panel, and... Read More>
July 13, 2020
Mayor Young Condemns Protesters who Destroyed Columbus Statue
Republican nominee for mayor Pastor Shannon Wright hopes to lead that next administration. ... "We need leadership that will actually address the concerns of the city not sweep them under a carpet." Read More>
July 9, 2020
Vote 2020: Pastor Shannon Wright - FOX45 News
Republican Candidate for Baltimore Mayor, Pastor Shannon Wright, talks about her plans for Baltimore, and how she will differentiate herself from the pack. Read More>
July 9, 2020
Vote 2020: Shannon Wright
Republican Nominee for Baltimore Mayor, Pastor Shannon Wright, talks about her vision for the future of Baltimore. Watch Video>
July 3, 2020
GOP nominee for Baltimore mayor Shannon Wright launches general election campaign
Baltimore’s GOP nominee for mayor, Shannon Wright, said when voters see Republican next to her name on ballots in November, they should think of abolitionist Frederick Douglass, Read More>
June 18, 2020
City elections board finishes counting ballots, makes final vote official
Shannon Wright, a pastor and former vice president of the Yonkers NAACP, won the Republican nomination... Read More>
June 15, 2020
Ex-Baltimore mayor concedes primary to council president
Scott faces Republican Shannon Wright and Independent Bob Wallace in the general election on Nov. 3. Read More>
June 13, 2020
Brandon Scott Wins Baltimore City Democratic Mayoral Primary, Shannon Wright, and Fortune 500 Companies. Listen to the Show>
June 10, 2020
TECN 32: Interview candidate Shannon Wright for Baltimore Mayor
Returning to the program after the successful launch of her official campaign to become the first #BlackRepublican Woman as Mayor of #Baltimore, Maryland. We learn more of her plans to curb violence and promote education in a city in need of change. Listen to the Show>
June 4, 2020
Democratic Baltimore mayoral race too close to call
On the Republican side, seven people ran for the job. Shannon Wright led the GOP primary race based on the votes cast as of early Wednesday. Whoever emerges... Read More>
June 3, 2020
Primary Coverage
Metzler on the Mic
Guest for the show - candidate Pastor Shannon Wright, for Baltimore City Mayor. Watch the Show>
June 1, 2020
Shannon Wright, Republican candidate for mayor of Baltimore City believes she has the prescription for a community which is still reeling from the death of Freddie Gray. Listen to the Show>
May 28, 2020
Seven Republicans want to be Baltimore’s mayor. They are running decidedly low-key campaigns.
The biggest challenge facing Baltimore is the coronavirus pandemic, Wright said, and the lack of preparation on the part of city officials. Read More>
May 22, 2020
Baltimore needs a doer not a talker
I'm running for Mayor of Baltimore because this city needs a doer that will put people first and fight to get the resources we need! Watch>
May 22, 2020
Donadio Endorses Shannon Wright For Mayor of Baltimore
Donadio said “ Baltimore needs a positive change moving forward and they can benefit by electing Shannon Wright as their next Mayor in 2020.” Read More>
May 18, 2020
Maryland Public TV - Shannon Wright - (R) Candidate for Baltimore Mayor
MPT's Nancy Yamada interviews Shannon Wright, Republican Candidate for Baltimore Mayor 2020. Watch>
May 13, 2020
The Wright way for Baltimore? Interviewing Mayoral candidate Shannon Wright
We speak to Chairwoman of the Baltimore Republicans and Chairwoman of the Maryland Black Council, Shannon Wright who seeks to replace... Listen to the Show>
May 12, 2020
Voter guide: Shannon Wright, Mayor, Baltimore City
I have 20+ years of experience with policy analysis with community implications, issue-specific policy advocacy combined with successful strategy and management. Read More>
May 11, 2020
Greater Baltimore Urban League Mayoral Forum
Here is a summary of our campaigns participation in the GBUL Mayorial Forum. Watch>
Jan. 29, 2020
Baltimore Mayoral Forum 2020
2020 Primary Mayoral Forum, Democrats and Republicans take the stage. Watch Summary>
2020 Baltimore mayoral candidate profile: Shannon Wright (R)
Shannon Wright is running in the 2020 Republican primary for Baltimore mayor. Read More>
Feb. 25, 2020
Shannon Wright: Republican Candidate for Baltimore Mayor
In 2016 she was the Republican nominee in the race for City Council President. Listen to the Show>
Jan. 27, 2020
Trash Trappers
50 volunteers picked up 22 TONS of trash in Philadelphia. Collectively we have picked up over 150 TONS of trash in Baltimore, LA, Chicago, Newark, Houston, San Francisco and Philly! Watch>
Jan. 16, 2020
Fox Baltimore: Vote 2020: Pastor Shannon Wright
Running on education as the city's top priority is the plan for one of the four Republicans who've filed the paperwork to run for Baltimore City Mayor. Pastor Shannon Wright joins us to talk about her plan. Watch>
Jan. 10, 2020
Baltimore Mayoral Candidate: Pastor Shannon Wright
Diamond K sits down with Baltimore Mayoral Candidate Pastor Shannon Wright (Republican) to talk about her vision for Baltimore and the 2020 race. Watch>
Oct. 14, 2019
Pastor Shannon Wright is trying to change that political dynamic. Listen to the Segment>
Aug. 20, 2019